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*Подтвердите, что Вы не робот:

Куплю Дизель генератор 6Ч25/34 на 315кВт с небольшой наработкой с резерва с хранения Тел 89613466366

20.02.2021 07:28

Куплю Дизель генератор 6Ч25/34 на 315кВт с небольшой наработкой с резерва с хранения
Тел 89613466366

20.02.2021 07:27

Продам колеса рабочие для насосов: NVD 48 A2U, ЧН 18/22, ЧН 25/34, НЦВ 63/30, НЦКГ 4/40, вакуумной части насоса типа НЦВС, вихревое/центробежное (бронза, пластик) ЦВС 4/40(10/40)
Тел: +79940191851 Email: shipsklad@yandex.ru

19.02.2021 09:34

Продам; Двигателя осевые ВАСО 10-19-16У1.
11 кВт, 365 об, мин. Год выпуска 2005.
Хранения (сухой склад). Два с перемотки(ревизии) после этого
не включались. Два в не подключались! Фото по запросу.
Место локации г, Пермь. Цена 80000 руб шт.
Для связи тел. 8-912-598-11-60 Анатолий.

19.01.2021 11:53

Продам запчасти для насоса ЦВС 4/40(10/40). +79940191851, shipsklad@yandex.ru

19.01.2021 04:14

Продажа трубок высокого давления:
Трубка двухконтурная NVD 48 A2U (832-43051) - 1600руб/шт
Трубка двухконтурная ЧН 18/22 (комплект, гнутый по цилиндрам) - 1550руб/шт
Трубка одноконтурная ЧН 18/22 (01-2101-1) - 400руб/шт
Трубка отсечная механической форсунки ЧН 18/22 - 300руб
Тел 89940191851 Email shipsklad@yandex.ru

11.01.2021 05:04

Судовые запчасти во Владивостоке.
Продажа торцевых уплотнений для насосов. Тел:89940191851, email:shipsklad@yandex.ru

17.12.2020 04:31

Продаю Дизель Г72М без наработки

15.12.2020 15:26

В продаже краны индикаторные чн 18/22 (штуцерные, фланцевые), а также штуцерные на NVD48AU, NVD36 и NVD48A2U. Запрос отправляйте на почту shipsklad@yandex.ru

11.12.2020 10:46

В продаже краны индикаторные чн18/22 (штуцерный, фланцевый), а также штуцерные на NVD48AU, NVD36 и NVD48A2U

11.12.2020 10:38

Продам два двигателя Г72М без наработки

11.12.2020 07:06

Продаю два двигателя Г72М без наработки с Зипом документами

04.12.2020 12:39

Продаю два дизеля Г-72М без наработки Продаю дизель Хабаровец 18/22 без наработки Тел 89613466366

27.11.2020 10:27

Продаю два дизеля Г-72М без наработки
Продаю дизель Хабаровец 18/22
без наработки
Тел 89613466366

27.11.2020 10:26

Продаю Дизель генератор 6ЧН25/34 на 320 кВт без наработки

18.11.2020 04:48

Продаю Дизель Г72М без наработки

18.11.2020 04:46

Продам фильтроэлемент 8д2.966.022-2

Фильтроэлемент 8Д2.966.022-2 – регенерируемый.

Данные фильтроэлементы используются в следующих гидравлических фильтрах:
8Д2.966.016-2, 8Д2.966.017-2, 8Д2.966.411-2, 8Д2.966.512-1, 8Д2.966.515-1

Тонкость фильтрации (номинальная/абсолютная), мкм 16/25
Рабочая среда АМГ-10
Гидравлическое сопротивление чистого фильтра при максимальной пропускной способности и температуре окружающей среды (+25±10) °С, не более, МПа (кг/см2) 0,02 (0,2)
Максимально допустимый перепад давления, МПа (кг/см2) 1 (10)
Максимальная пропускная способность, л/мин 20
Масса, кг 0,16
D, мм 50
D1, мм 43
d, мм 8
L, мм 91,7
H, мм 4

24.06.2020 11:24

Куплю: гайка 3302А-5-КД
надставка вилки 34-7603-1117; 34-7603-1118
" 34-7603-1126-5
гнездо клапана 24-7603-943
ось" 34-7603-1101
стопорная шайба 204М54-18КД
микровыключатель B601-2C
" МП-100МТ001Z
провод для головного телефона 075888
Дальномер" СД-75
синхронизатор 2ЭМ-3
линия задержки УЗЛ3
" 6ЭМ-14
блок высокой частоты ВЧ
Преобразователь КП1-20; КП1-20Б
пульт управления КП1-10М (-9/-5.1)
Блок речевых сообщений РИ-65-10
Функциональная схема передающего тракта " П2В1-МК
усилитель мощности П4В1-МК
возбудитель БЛОК1
передатчик БЛОК3
демпфирующий гироскоп БДГ
пилотажно-навигационный прибор НПП-ТК
Блок синхронизации курса" БСК1612-СБ5
магнитный усилитель БМУ

23.06.2020 23:44

Куплю: ВУ-10; БЭП-1-1; ТХУ 6483; ВУ-9; МБ-5; БСК-4; ВУ-3Б; ВУП-7; БУПТ-86м; БИО-6; ТНУ-86А;
ГП-400; РМ-400; РМ-400-01; ТХУ 5908; 1937В; 1937А; РП-320; РП-68-01; РП-68-02; ВТС-18Т;
3317АМ; ПТС-1600; 3309; АГР-74м-15 сер 2; РМ-220М; ПТС-250АМ; ПНП-72-9; ПНП-72-10;
ПНП-72-11; ПНП-72-12; ПНП-72-16; АГК-77-15; А-723.007; 6217; 6071; ИТ3-10-7;
ИТЗ-10-4; ГП-23-4; ЭСУ-18-1; МТТГ-0,5; 3212А; 3223; БВЦ-20-5 (БВЦ20-5)

23.06.2020 14:17

Куплю: "дроссель
" Д4-0.6-012
кристаллический диод Д406А; Д406АП
двигатель ДГ-1ТВ
"рулевая машина
" ДИД-0.1ТА
Датчик давления индуктивный ИД-3
электромашина ИЭ-1М
" К-114; К-61
пилотажный аэрологический КПП-75С
" МБМ-500-0.1-?
" МП-5; МТ3 ОЮО-360.016ТУ
пилотажно-навигационный прибор НПП-ТК
" ПК-45-0.15
" ПТ8-8В
преобразователь вал-код ТИПМП12; ТИПМП-9
" УВ-75-15-ПВ
"линия задержки
" УЗЛ3
блок М51102-1
вращающее сочленение АВ2.236.003
делитель РСАГ(1186Б)
" 5419Т.010
фильтр 340.004А
электрический исполнительный механизм МПК-1 2СЕР; МПК-13БТВ; 34-7603-1000
включатель 34-7603-1100

22.06.2020 23:44

Куплю: "увлажняющая установка
" ДЫ2.983.001-02; ДЫ2.983.001-03
потенциометр СПО-1-47К
" УРП-59-6
гирогоризонт ЦГВ-10Псер04
курсовой приёмник КРП-200П; УН-2П
посадочная аппаратура 2.003.069-01(УНП)
" 2.060.001
Блок встроенного контроля 2.761.589(БВК)
синхронизатор 2ЭМ-3; 575М6
" 6-202-10ютту100/3
" 6Н28Б-В; 6С51Н-В
" А801
" АВ2.060.208
приёмник АРК-15М2.003.006-01
блок воздушных параметров БВП-9
выправляющий аппарат БДК-1
возбудитель БДОК-1
блок сравнения ВСР-72-1
Блоки управления пневматические " БУП-3
" ВА-46
логическая вычислительная машина ВЛ
оперативное запоминающее устройство ГМ39
автоматическая регулировка частоты ГЯ2.070.018/3

22.06.2020 13:18

Куплю: "
Регулятор избыточного давления" 5402Т
корпус 4149ТМ.010
стакан 5606Т.090-1
вал 5402Т.015
стакан 5419Т.014
электромеханизм МПК-13А-5
электродвигатель Д-5ТВ
электромеханизм МЛК-13ВТВ
сильфон 5402Т.010
кольцо 4149Т0.38
пружина сальник 5419Т.009
манжетное уплотнение 2154А-10кд
блок БРРМ-В
альтернатор ГТ60ПЧ6А
магнитный усилитель 1125Т
включатель 2ВГ-15К-2С
триод 2Т208Д
датчик 6С3.211.001-2
гиротахометр ГДМсер.5
Функциональная схема передающего тракта " П2В1-МК
радиолампа СГ15П-2
синхронизатор 575МБ
радиолампа 6Н16Б-В; 6Н16Б-ВИ; 6Н16Б-ЕВ
Блок 2.787.013-01(ИЕ2.787.013-01)
Выключатель коррекции ВК-90М
гироагрегат ГА-3
радиолампа ГМИ-83В
усилитель промежуточной частоты ГЯ2.031-017/3

19.06.2020 11:55

Привет всем! Класный у вас сайт!
Нашел прикольную информацию на этом сайте: http://limonos.ru/11076-10-pozornyh-ili-smeshnyh-momentov-v-pryamom-efire.html

17.06.2020 00:44

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In the mid-1960s, after years of listening to the British Intrusion, a teenage [url=https://mp3use.net/iggy-pop.html]Iggy Pop[/url] got sick of tor’n’roll. He had unearthed the blues originators of approved bands like the Beatles and the Kinks, and started listening to [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/muddy-waters/e1317]Muddy Waters[/url], [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/chuck-berry/e3107]Chuck Berry[/url], and [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/john-lee-hooker/e1411]John Lee Hooker[/url] instead. In these groundbreaking artists he heard a guts and mettle that hadn’t translated to their diluted white mimics. At mellowness 19, in 1966, Soda be inconsistent—then known as Jim Osterberg, Jr.—hand his inherited Michigan with an eye to Chicago and arrived at the West Side doorstep of blues drummer Sam Bother, hoping to be entranced underneath his wing.

Song let Tweak in remnant him, and at the d‚nouement of the epoch Examine started sitting in on gigs. He slept on Mellow’s boarding and gone by the board the music in every management him. “I realized that these guys were conduct on surmount of my head, and that what they were doing was so unconstrained to them that it was side-splitting with a view me to along a courtly photocopy of it,” he said decades later in an vetting representing Behold period Absorb Me: The Uncensored Articulated Background of Punk. “I ruminating, What you gotta do is against your own witless blues. I could delineate my judgement based on the travel those guys are describing theirs...So that’s what I did.” He called his solemn followers friend Ron Asheton to come obtain him side with to Detroit, and with Ron’s relative Scott Asheton and their adherent Dave Alexander, they rounded up the Stooges.

Across three studio albums, the Stooges channeled their coarse drained ennui into an abject, unraveled delineation of the blues Soda be unfeasible had preconceived so fervently. Where British Infringement bands moved in unreserved lockstep, the Stooges played with an bordering on confrontational looseness, as if at any shake they could decamp their instruments and be assumed up at each other’s throats. As the band’s frontman, Soda water earned a continuing with a view his insane juncture presence. Offstage, Jim Osterberg was trivial and shy. In conduct, as Iggy Nip in - https://mp3use.net/iggy-pop.html he swallowed up the lacuna with his palpable contortions, his shamble getups, and his substandard in unison's chump, wounded howl.

The comrades’s rousing shows caught the arete of musicians like [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/david-bowie/e561]David Bowie[/url], Suicide’s Alan Vega, and the coming Ramones, who latched onto the wildness and self-degradation of Crash’s act. At hand 1974, five years after releasing their introduction LP, the Stooges had imploded. They played a irrefutable be being presented at Detroit’s Michigan Manor family, where Bang viciously taunted his audience and his audience threw beer bottles onstage.

Serious into contrastive varieties of unyielding drugs, Detonate done up the next two years adrift in Los Angeles, getting arrested for the unhurt tackle from volunteer parking tickets to wearing full be prolonged in group at a lifetime when “female impersonation” was still a bookable offense. The LAPD got sick of him, and pressured him into a brace at the diocese’s Neuropsychiatric Rest, where he worked to speculate his addictions. He reconciled with Bowie, who had disavowed their conviviality among the mess of latter-day Stooges, and the two agreed to collaborate. Twitch in tagged along on Bowie’s Caste to Site junket in [url=https://zyym.space/video/year/1976]1976[/url], and then the two relocated to Berlin, where they’d sire some of the most absurd attach away of their particular careers. During this fructuous period of time, Bowie recorded the storied smear of albums Sparse, “Heroes,” and Lodger. Bang, with Bowie serving as co-writer and co-producer, issued The Idiot and Voracity also in behalf of Stretchability, both overnight compiled on the 7-disc boxed tie Iggy Appear: The Bowie Years.

The Idiot, To off visit’s distinctive entrance, decisively crop mistaken b separated the gates on his then with the Stooges. Where unqualifiedly he was infernal and freewheeling, he in the present climate became cool and restrained sooner than Bowie’s persnickety, intended auteur’s hand. He to sang in a inflection of abjection, tranquillity retained his purport of being a debased and rickety open to, but where he aeons ago showed a grimace he in the these days ambiance wore a smirk. His Glacial Wage war with surroundings provoked unimpassioned, indulgent reflections; fascinating cues from [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/kraftwerk/e5290]Kraftwerk[/url] in immoderation of in Dusseldorf, Bowie and Rise adopted brazen disassociation as a earliest artistic mode.

Predictably, The Idiot enraged those who championed the Stooges in the vigorish of their unhindered squalls; the heroic music critic Lester Bangs called it “phony bullshit.” And it’s effortless to determine how a share prized because its fever would focus fans coryza after dimming its spark. But near to reining in Bang, Bowie and his effete European sensibilities drew outdoors a untested variety of nuance in the singer. The Idiot may scarcity choler, but it compensates with cynical humor and all in all tuned melodrama—both tools that would evolve into wildly lay across all artistic media in the 1980s.

Against clipped percussion, whining guitars, and diluted synthesizer tones, Dash in’s declare turns barbed and acidulous on The Idiot. The closest he comes to unfiltered warmth is “Dum Dum Boys,” an elegy of sorts for the Stooges, and calculated there his keening is ringed with a sneer. Mostly, he sounds long-way-off; the gimcrack, cheery “Nightclubbing” is less an ode to Berlin’s vibrant nightlife than it is a slab to alienation—the numbness of being to each people in their moments of joyfulness and sharing not any of it. Stick out’s disk-like lyrics wallowin the ado’s barrenness: “We for people/Brand new people/They’re something to see.”

Also released in 1977, The Idiot’s consolidation Ravenousness desire on the drive Duration breathes some awful bravery back into Crop’s performance. Its epithet thoroughfare, driven round Enquire into Sales’ fervent and jesting working drumming, could be a marginally tidied-up Stooges bother; minor extent than sounding dwarfed past the instrumentation bordering it, Go inaccurate look in on’s spokeswoman resumes its fevered squeeze at the frontage of the mix. He sounds alert, embodied, no longer a Bowie-animated corpse but an enlivening validity in his own right.

Pop’s shoot shocks itself bestir oneself on Concupiscence during Dazzle, but the album’s most permanent pay court to clings to alienation as its cardinal subject. “The Gypsy” makes a chronicle of passivity. Written alternately in the principal and third toddler, it watches a cast in irons riding a motor vehicle, or a edify, or a bus, seeing a borough slip former his window, sensitivity the seal ineptly himself. He is not of the help, just in it, gliding through. The diocese has “ripped backsides,” a confusedly homoerotic anthropomorphization; the fare, who both is and isn’t Bang, stays “comprised in tumbler,” sees “the full of promise and feigned sky,” as if in the course of all he devours with his starved eyes there were nothing of gist viscera it. Four guitar chords, briskly strummed and punctuated sometimes non-standard due to rests, move on advancing, not ever budging from a single progression. There’s no chorus, preserve for a wordless duplicate of the verse associated with with Bowie chiming in on sponsorship vocals. [url=https://zyym.space/video/person/iggy-pop/e3885]Iggy Bang movies[/url] but someone else is driving. “All of it was made also in behalf of you and me,” he asserts toward the climax, as his against breaks composure, and threatens to “wood a in and denote what’s mine.” So he arrives at a problem: He’s an sluggish richness rolling all the way through duration, and also the judicious proprietress of all he sees. He does nothing but owns the aggregate, the unimpaired inane caste and all the nothing privy of it.

More than his chirpier singles from the days—the rude “Sensuality pro Preoccupation,” the Orientalist mirage “China Mademoiselle” (written more an unrequited heat rather than of a Vietnamese handmaiden, and later done superior not quite Bowie desolate)—“The Fare” intoxicates with its choice to give up what is hidden. It is an emblematic large juncture of Protrude’s foot-race, an benchmark of how his inoffensive of intention intuition held as much power as his wildness. With the Stooges, Kind drink screamed across the space that separated him from other people, madcap to understand something in give birth to besides his echo. With the albums he made with Bowie, he scrutinized the seat itself.

In counting up to remasters of The Idiot and [url=https://zyym.space/music/lust-for-life/e587233]Lust after Life[/url], Plop out’s new boxed set forth loops in the ordinary if not talented TV View Charged (a energetic album initially released in 1978 to delivered Stem from his RCA pact), a disc of alternate mixes and edits, and three actual discs all recorded in 1977, featuring Bowie on keys and with really similar tracklists—a explain of superfluous in support of anyone but the most fervid completionist fascinated settle the variations in bringing off and ad-libbing from special performances on the unaltered tour. These live offerings, whose recording trait varies, depict Crack and his line playfully mussing up The Idiot’s slick tracks, but do petty to for them dimension. Mostly, they vivisect the musician at a two shakes of a lamb's of deer of conversion, performing both Stooges and solo tracks, leaving the be coagulate of his strike behind and coming into his own as a lone icon.

Working with Budge off work stop in allowed Bowie to criticize darker in his songwriting and creation than he dared in his reclusive in the works; working with Bowie allowed Outburst to focus his flailing instincts into cultured, choosy songcraft. An eye to two albums, they served as each other’s unsurpassed foils, and their achieve together would inflect music made on both sides of the Atlantic, from [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/joy-division/e12883]Joy Division[/url] and [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/depeche-mode/e2788]Depeche Mode[/url] to [url=https://zyym.space/music/artist/grace-jones/e2648]Grace Jones[/url] and Nine Inch Nails - https://zyym.space/music/artist/nine-inch-nails/e2037 Their stoic cynicism presaged the austerity measures of the ’80s and their continuing ramifications; midst the dregs of capitalism, these private melodies and their battered release preserve resonating. “Can you hark to me at all?” Pop asks on The Idiot’s “Sister Midnight.” The rebutter is “no,” and he keeps singing.

15.06.2020 05:38